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Poziv Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada

institut-za-genocid-kanada.pngPiše: Emir Ramić  

Osnova za akciju 

Različite interpretacije pa i osporavanja genocida rezultirale su sankcioniranjem tih pojava u zemljama Evropske unije u kojima negiranje genocida predstavlja krivično djelo. Termin "genocid" prvi je upotrijebio Raphael Lemkin (1900.-1959.), jevrejski advokat u Poljskoj. Pojam genocid predstavlja kombinaciju riječi "geno" (grčki - narod, pleme) i "cide" (latinski - ubiti). Rezolucijom Generalne skupštine UN-a od 11. decembra 1946. godine usvojen je naziv "genocid" za zločin uskraćivanja prava na opstanak cijelim ljudskim grupama. Generalna skupština UN-a je 9. decembra 1948. jednoglasno usvojila Rezoluciju kojom je donesena Konvencija o sprječavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida. Tom konvencijom je utvrđeno da je genocid međunarodno krivično djelo, bez obzira na to da li je izvršen za vrijeme mira ili rata, a države potpisnice se obavezuju da će ga sprječavati i kažnjavati. Rezolucijom Generalne skupštine UN-a od 11. decembra 1946. godine usvojen je naziv "genocid" za zločin uskraćivanja prava na opstanak cijelim ljudskim grupama. Generalna skupština UN-a je 9. decembra 1948. jednoglasno usvojila Rezoluciju kojom je donesena Konvencija o sprječavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida.  Tom konvencijom je utvrđeno da je genocid međunarodno krivično djelo, bez obzira na to da li je izvršen za vrijeme mira ili rata, a države potpisnice se obavezuju da će ga sprječavati i kažnjavati. 

Zašto akcija 

Sudija Christopha Fluggea iz Sudskog vijeća Međunarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područje bivše Jugoslavije (MKTJ) je negirao genocid u Srebrenici izjavom da je korištenje termina genocid za definiranje zločina u Srebrenici nepotrebno te da umjesto toga treba koristiti izraz masovno ubojstvo. Sudac Flugge je pokazao da je sklon predrasudama, te negirajući Statut i sudsku praksu MKTJ, pokazao da nije zaslužio niti biti sudac MKTJ. 

Negiranjem genocida koji se na kraju 20. stoljeća dogodio u Bosni i Hercegovini, a nakon što je taj "zločin nad zločinima" dokazan pred MKTJ i Međunarodnim sudom pravde, MSP sudija  Christoph Flugge na potpuno neargumentiran i krajnje perfidan način pokušava otvoriti pitanje revizije Konvencije o sprječavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida. 

Donošenje Konvencije kojom se sankcionira krivično djelo genocida predstavlja veliko civilizacijsko dostignuće. Neophodno učiniti dodatni napor kako bi se osigurali mehanizmi za sprječavanje genocida, a što podrazumijeva i transformiranje OUN-a, kao organizacije koja bi trebalo da bdije nad implementacijom međunarodnih obaveza proisteklih iz Konvencije.
Apsurdno je da osoba (sudija Flugge), umjesto da se drži duha i slova zakona, odnosno odredbi međunarodnog prava kojima su sankcionirana najteža krivična djela ratnih zločina, osporava spomenutu konvenciju.

Cilj akcije 

Osuđujemo stavljanje u istu ravan genocida i masovnog ubistva.  I laiku je jasno da počinitelj masovnog ubistva može biti jedan čovjek koji to čini nasumice, a da genocidu prethodi odabir žrtava prema određenom kriteriju - nacionalnom, etničkom, rasnom ili vjerskom, te da iza njega stoje institucije, države koje su u stanju počiniti zločine tih razmjera u kojima bude ubijeno, raseljeno ili deportovano više hiljada, stotina hiljada ili miliona ljudi. 

Od predsjednika MKTJ tražimo izuzeće sudije Fluggea koji je izjavio da je "korištenje termina genocid za definisanje zločina u Srebrenici nepotrebno", te da umjesto toga treba koristiti frazu "masovno ubistvo". Izuzeće ovog sudije tražimo  ne samo iz ovog predmeta, nego i iz svih slučajeva pred MKTJ u kojima se dokazuje zločin genocida. Svojom izjavom sudija Flugge je pokazao da je sklon predrasudama, te da, zbog negiranja statuta i sudske prakse MKTJ nije zaslužio biti sudija tog suda. 

Kako izvesti akciju 

Potpišite peticiju na sljedećem linku 


Tekst peticije 

To the President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY} 

The Petition of the Institute for Reasearch of Genocide of Canada {IRGC} requests that ICTY remove Judge Flügge from his role in the proceedings against Ratko Mladic, or in any case dealing specifically with charges of genocide.

According to the "Der Spiegel" article, Judge Flügge shockingly stated in 2009 that "the term genocide to define the crimes [in Srebrenica and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 genocide and agression are] unnecessary" instead preferring to refer to it as "mass murder". He claimed that there is no reason to differentiate between "a group that is murdered for their nationality,religion, ethnicity, or race, as is regulated by the Hague Statute" and a group that "happens to be gathered at a specific location".

Given that Judge Flugge has not retracted his statements concerning the nature of the Srebrenica genocide crimes, he is not fit to serve as a presiding judge of such a high profile case. By denying the previous ruling of the ICTY regarding the Srebrenica Genocide, Judge Flügge is unable to show impartiality to the case and is in violation of The Hague's Rule 15(A):

"A Judge may not sit on a trial or appeal in any case in which the Judge has a personal interest or concerning which the Judge has or has had any association which might affect his or her impartiality. The Judge shall in any such circumstance withdraw, and the President shall assign another Judge to the case."

For the purpose of a fair trial and as respect to the families of the victims and survivors of the Bosnian genocide IRGC requests that Mr. Flugge faces judicial disqualification from the Ratko Mladic trial.



Pošaljite pismo Predsjedniku MKTJ

Tekst pisma  - Sample Letter

Dear  Judge Patrick Robinson, President ICTY

Dear Judge Carmel Agius, Presiding Judge in a Specially Appointed Chamber


With the May 26th arrest of General Ratko Mladic, I was very happy because my faith in justice for the victims of the Bosnian genocide was revived. Unfortunately my hopes in justice were short lived when I heard that the head judge for this case was Christoph Flugge-a man who openly stated in 2009 in the German magazine Der Spiegel that he does not believe that the Srebrenica genocide is in fact genocide. Judge Flugge's denial of the Srebrenica Genocide presents a conflict of interest and a risk of an unfair trial since he shares this opinion with the accused. I am deeply concerned about having Flugge on such a profiled case and I ask, for the purpose of a fair trial and as respect to the families of  the victims and survivors of the Bosnian genocide that Mr. Flugge faces judicial disqualification.


My concern is legitimate since the ICTY, the European Union, United States and Canada have accepted  the events that occurred in July of 1995 in Srebrenica as Genocide. Naming Judge Flugge as the head judge does not only play in favour of the cold blooded killer Mladic, it is also a slap in the face for all the individuals who have been tortured, raped, imprisoned, massacred or forced out of their homes. The world has put its faith, including myself into the work of the ICTY to bring justice to human rights and all the victims of genocide. Having Mr. Flugge as the head judge in a genocide case is not only unethical but it sends a message that it is possible to get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Judge Christoph Flugge and the accused Bosnian Serb criminals may continue to deny the Srebrenica genocide however it is important to know denial is the last step of genocide. With that in mind I ask you to remove Judge Flugge from him current position.


Thank you




Sign your name






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International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,

Churchillplein 1,

2517 JW The Hague

The Netherlands



International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

P.O. Box 13888

2501 EW The Hague

The Netherlands


Here is what German judge Flügge stated about Srebrenica: 

"I don't want to discuss this specific case. More generally, however, I do ask myself whether we even need the term genocide to characterize such crimes. Why do we have to draw this distinction in the first place? Does it make it more or less unjust when a group of people is killed, not for national, ethnic, racist or religious reasons, as regulated in our statute, but merely because these people all happened to be in a certain location? This was often the case during Stalin's battle against the so-called Kulaks in Ukraine. Which is why I believe that we should consider devising a new definition of the crime. Perhaps the term mass murder would eliminate some of the difficulties we face in arriving at legal definitions. It would also work in Cambodia, where Cambodians killed large numbers of Cambodians. What do you call that? Suicidal genocide? Sociocide? Strictly speaking, the term genocide only fits to the Holocaust."